Posted 7 years 357 days ago ago by digmike
***IMPORTANT*** There is a separate download for DNN 6.2 and higher
installs that contain features found in DNN 6.2.
- NEW Added sorting by end date
- FIX For issues using FCK Editor
- FIX Image upload didn't work when bundling/minfication enabled in DNN
- CHANGE To use expired articles, you now have to enable them in the main ArticleCS module in the Settings
- FIX Database issue with the MediaHandler which could result with slow image loading
- FIX Setting up Facebook link when you may have some advanced URL rewriting setup.
- FIX Expired articles would display when they shouldn't when viewing the article.
- CHANGED Faster saving in admin
- FIX Submit article returnurl issues
- FIX Extra Loggig of ModuleID = XX AND CommentStatus=YY
- FIX Taxonomy selector disappaers in the admin
- FIX Taxonomy selector still appeared when it was set to disabled
- FIX Content Item tags were not propertly being saved
- FIX Email Subscriptions were not sending int DNN 8.0.1 and higher
- NEW List selected related articles. Title is the title to display in the header
- NEW Security: Passive (not enforced until user views article) and Active (user will never see the article)
- NEW Release History token
- NEW Added DNN User attaching and uploading photos to comments (see Comment.html in Default template for new media section)
- NEW Added DNN User selecting UltraVideoGallery vidoes to comments
- NEW Added ability to insert YouTube and Vimeo url's into comments and they will display as a video in the comment
- FIX Search Aware dashboard when you have search enabled custom fields
- NEW Added posting to LinkedIn
- NEW Added busy spinners to the following actions: Rating, Voting, Posting Comments, Alerting Comments
- NEW Added Article Data Caching for better performance
- NEW Added User sort option to Related Users selection
- NEW Added RelatedUser.html template (see Default template). will display related users in the Article.
- FIX Saving draft as an author would cause an error
- NEW Added Email Subscriber admin. You can list, subscribe, unsubscribe and delete subscription users
- NEW Tag control with lookup for tag entry.
- NEW Filter Dashboard.
- NEW Updated Look of Comments templates on the built-in templates.
- NEW Better support for All Day events in the iCal export.
- NEW Email confirmation feature will send an email to subscribed email to confirm email is valid.
- NEW Disable comments per article.
- NEW User type custom field now has an option of what to display in the user selection.
- NEW Override SEO per post. This include page title, description and keywords.
- NEW Token Attempted to divide by zero.ispos:every:x will be valid every x position in the list
- CHANGE For evenets, if end date is blank, it will not default to today, it will stay blank
- FIX RSS scheduled import would have an error on DNN 7.
- FIX User type custom field was not saving if you edit an article with the search type of use lookup
- FIX Added email validation to the Subscribe Dashboard
- FIX Displaying Single Article in article view was not working
- FIX Relative urls in email subscriptions are converted to absolute.
- NEW Added Sort Featured First option to Article, Article List and Dashboard.
- NEW Added tag XX will be a term name. This will dispaly all selected children of the term name
- NEW Article Edit tags now use a tag selector which includes lookup of current tags
- FIX Summary was excluding HTML
- FIX Sorting by Event End Date was not working
- NEW Added sort option Event Date or Publish Date. It will sort by Event Date, if there is no event date, it will use the publish date.
- NEW Notification of new releases in the admin
- FIX Deleting comments on moderation caused the comment count to be incorrect.
- FIX Changing Author by search would not display the "Change Author" button.
- FIX Applying Term filter in querystring and search would cause exception.
- FIX Sorting by Event Dates in the Dashboard did not work properly.
- CHANGE Changed the Author selector to include displayname and sort by displayname.
- CHANGE Improved some CSS to look better in DNN7.
- NEW Added Related Users.
- NEW Added User Custom Field Type
- NEW Added [meta] section to the article.html template. The contents of this section will be inserted into the page meta variables.
- NEW Added Default Comment sort order option in the admin
- NEW Added Title sort filters. See Listing.html in the Default template for example.
- NEW Added Delete option to moderation.
- FIX Performance issues with DNN 7.3.x
- FIX Don't include the currently article in the related article search
- FIX Emails were going out to unsubscribed users
- FIX Transparent PNG's lost their transparency
- FIX Media did not always display in the same sort order.
- NEW Added Event Sort options to sort articles off of event dates.
- NEW When searching your phrase in double quotes, the search will return more exact results
- CHANGE In the DNN Search if an Article is a link type, the search will now point to the article listing page instead of pointing to a view of the article.
- CHANGE If you limit the number of items in a Tag Cloud dashboard, it would display the top tags in alphabetical order. Now it gets the most popular tags, then sorts them in alphabetical order
- CHANGE Added the Article Tags to the DNN Search content
- FIX URL's to media, RSS and sitemap in DNN 7.2.2 when using languages
- FIX Not allowing Anonymous star rating was still allowing anonymous users to rate.
- FIX Authors with & in their name would cause a RSS validation error.
- FIX When including articles on Category, Archive or Taxonomy dashboards, the View Article At option was not displaying
- FIX Creating search items for DNN search failed due to certain types of custom fields.
- FIX Twitter posting wasn't working due to a change in the Twiter API
- CHANGE Hyperlink custom fields now display as hyperlinks, not just text.
- NEW Added Recycling Bin for deleted articles. Go to My Articles in the admin and you will see a selection for Deleted. If you are a moderator you will also see Delete (All Users)
- NEW Added bulk deletion by Published Date. You can see this feature in the Host Tab of the article admin.
- NEW Added and tags to explicitly force the media to display as audio or video
- NEW Template Blog - Oscar
- CHANGE ArticleLog template in the template folders is no longer used.
- CHANGE Updated the Templates and Styles to CSS3.
- NEW Added option to dashboards that can use expandable tree, allowing to default all expanded.
- FIX Email field for subscription wasn't required.
- FIX Fixed issues when using Turkish Language.
- FIX Search was causing validation.
- FIX OG:Description was containing HTML
- FIX Dashboard admin was not displaying categories correctly.
- NEW Related Dashboard now works off of Taxonomy
- FIX Subtitle for Taxonomy filter
- FIX Hide 0 Count for Taxonomy dashboard
- FIX Moderator approval emails for comments were not always sent
- FIX jQuery.Rating caused errors with newer versions of jQuery
- FIX Twitter API 1.1 support
- FIX OpenGraph properties were not implemented the best way
- FIX OpenGraph og:url was not accounting for articles being viewed on a different page.
- FIX OpenGraph og:description included html if a HTML summary was specified on the article.
- FIX RSS Feeds for Source Group sources were not working.
- FIX Error when using the URL control in the Article Edit page when you try to make the article a Link type.
- NEW Email Subscription. Users get email updates of new articles with ability to unsubscribe
- NEW Combine articles from multiple DigArticle modules to display in 1 listing
- NEW Event Date include .ics download
- NEW Expired filter to show lists of articles which include expired articles or only expired articles.
- NEW Able to Hide or Show Author, Publish Date, Expiration Date and Publish Information and Status
- NEW Ability to allow Authors, Moderators, or only Admins to edit Categories
- NEW [commentsurl] and [nocommentsurl] will give urls to get listing of articles with comments or without comments. See the TagDemo listing.html for sample use.
- NEW Ability to change the title of the Body section in the admin.
- NEW New action buttons at the top of listings that includes the count of items needing moderated
- NEW Category module will allow multiple categories or a single category to be selected for an article.
- FIX Special characters in media name causing issues
- FIX Copying a portal specific template would make the template two portal folders deep
- NEW Implemented browser caching in the MediaHandler
- NEW Added Top and Bottom to media section sorting
- NEW ERROR: Can't find ending tag:field:code:isgreater:valuefield:code:isgreater:value