Advanced and Easy to use DotNetNuke Forms Module.
Examples Uses
- Employment Application
- Surveys
- Order Forms
- Event Registration Forms
- Mailing List Signup
Contact Forms
- Customer Satisfaction Survey
- Party Invitation
- Lead Generation
- Localized Module
- Multi Language Forms allows you to show different text for multiple languages.
Live Form Designer
- Live Form Designer allows you to easily add, edit and move fields on your form.
- Easily Move fields around and Merge fields onto the same row.

Standard Field Types
- Text, Date, Currency, Combo Box, Email, CheckBox List, RadioButton List, HTML Editor, File Upload and more
- Different Validation Methods
- For selection controls, load the options from the DNN or External database
- Default Values

Advanced Field Types
- Advanced fields do the work for you. For Example you don't have to "program" your own set Address fields. It's all automatic!
- Address
- Name
- Grouping type which allows you to group fields together on the same row.
- Email with confirmation
- Required Validator
- Regular Expression Validator
- Custom Validation messages
- Validation Summary
- Captcha verification
- Save Results for later review
- Export Results to Excel or other 3rd party applications
- General overview of Views, Submissions and Conversion
- Selector controls (combo, radio list, etc) shows bar chart of results

- Number controls show basic statistics and allows you to specify custom ranges
- Date controls allow reporting on pure dates, allowing statistics based on month and year. Also you can have the date control report as an Age for fields like birth dates and allow custom ranges to be reported for the ages.
- Address fields gives statistics on its parts: City, State, Country, Postal Code
- Submit button can be a Link, Button, or Image.
- Different Label Positions
- Optional ToolTip help with a help icon.
- Field Hints to help guide the user to the input you are looking for.
- Use included styles, or create your own style to reuse.
- Built-in Style editor
Submit Actions
- Send multiple Emails to different users.
- Execute Multiple SQL commands
- HTTP Post to different urls.
- Save Results for Viewing
- Print Results
- Export to Tabbed Text File
After Submit
- Show customized Thank You message
- Redirect to another URL, DNN Page or File
- Send Multiple emails to Submitter, Administrators, DNN Roles, anyone.
- From: Send Email from Portal Administrator, Specific Email, Email Fields or fields that have emails like the Combo Box
- To: Send to DNN Roles, Specific emails, Email Fields or fields that have emails like the Combo Box
- Any file uploads can be sent as email attachments
- Specify Email Subject, Header, Footer and you can specify the body of the email, or use the default email which will automatically contain all field information. You can use field values and other system tokens. And Online help makes setup easy!
Your Purchase
- Includes 1 Year of major and minor updates.
- Requires DNN 7.1+. Works on 8.x, 9.x, EVOQ
- Requires SQL 2005+