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digFlash 2.0 Released

Created 14 years 363 days ago
by digmike

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We are happy to announce the digFlash 2.0 has been released.  digFlash has been downloaded by thousands of users and solves a common problem with DotNetNuke.  How to insert a Flash SWF file on your DotNetNuke page.  digFlash does it right by using the swfobject framework.  Just inserting your swf into DotNetNuke via the Text/HTML module, doesn’t cover against some of the issues that can come from inserting a Flash SWF on your DNN page.  Including…

  • IE click to activate issue.
  • Users without a flash player
  • Users without the correct flash player version.

digFlash 2.0 adds some common requests that we have had.   You now have the ability to add a lot more variables, and use DNN tokens in your variables.  You can pass things like the current user ID, email, name using the DNN tokens.

digFlash 2.0 also adds some other features like “Play” on start, and “Loop”.

And best of all digFlash is a FREE DotNetNuke module. 

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