DigNuke.com DotNetNuke Blog

DigDownload–New Module

Created 11 years 272 days ago
by digmike

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Categories DigDownload DotNetNuke
Views: 4264


Securely and easily manage your file downloads on your DotNetNuke site.


Easy to Manage

  • Simple design
  • Create multiple Sections and add files into those Sections
  • 3 Custom Fields for you own content
  • Fast Uploader, uses HTML5, FLASH, Silverlight, whatever the client supports best


  • Global, Section and File based View and Download security using DNN Roles

Template Driven

  • Template driven so you can make it look as you need.
  • Built-in Template Editor


  • Track lifetime download counts
  • Track current download counts (if you change the file).

For a demo, visit our own downloads section where you can download a 15 day trial.

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