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Release History

DigArticle 9.1.4

Posted 3 years 144 days ago ago by digmike

  • NEW Added Article Tags to the built-in DNN Search
  • NEW Added limit to related articles tag. ex: limit to 5 9.1.3
    • NEW Added Event Date filter to Dashboard
    • NEW Added Search Highlighting.
    • CHANGE Event ICS now uses article Title and Body, before it used Summary and Body.
    • CHANGE Event ICS added the portal Timezone to the date/time
    • NEW Optional user defined sort order for articles
    • FIX If an article gets a moduleid of 0, those articles where being displayed in other listings and more articles were being switched to moduleid of 0 by the scheduler.
    • NEW For the Email Subscription system, you can now send DNN Notifications instead
    • NEW Specify DNN roles to receive Email/Notification subscriptions
    • NEW Optional user defined sort order for articles
    • FIX Error when authors viewing My Articles
    • FIX Error when importing RSS feeds with TSL
    • NEW Added Comment terms acceptance checkbox for GDPR
    • NEW Added option in admin to disabled the edit back link
    • NEW Added option in admin to default send email checkbox on article edit to unchecked
    • FIX Strip HTML tags from META description if it pulls it from the first page of the article
    • FIX UpdatePanel errors
    • FIX Missing Search dashboard
    • CHANGE Instead of posting DigArticle notifications to the DNN Inbox (optional), it now posts as a notification
    • FIX Issue with Recaptcha site key error
    • FIX On Recaptcha error, the comment form was not re-initializing
    • FIX Token replacement was not decoding html tokens
    • FIX Unable to cast UserInfo to UserRoleInfo
    • FIX Encoding issue with keyword search string
    • NEW DNN 9.2 compatablity
    • NEW Add option to let authors or moderators to save a published article as draft.
    • NEW Added IPortable functionality.
    • FIX Map field type Google reverse goecode was not working due to update in google API
    • NEW token 0 that you can use in your category header to display a total count.
    • NEW token ERROR: Can't find ending tag:cat:isidcat:isid