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digArticle 3.6

Created 14 years 128 days ago
by digmike

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digArticle 3.6 has been released, It includes some major new features:

ActiveSocial Integration

You can now post a profile update when a new article is added or when the user votes on comments and articles.  We requested for ActiveModules to put in some voting icons which they said they could do, so watch out for them in a future release.  digArticle can also be setup to easily use the ActiveSocial avatars and point to the authors ActiveSocial profile page.


Ventrian News Articles Import

Import Articles, Categories, Tags, Images and Files.   Works on 5.73 on up.  It’s all built-into digArticle, no extra modules or SQL scripts needed.



DNN Profile Image Support

Use the DNN Profile Image built into DNN 5 as user avatars.

Change Author

Moderators can now change the author of an article.  You will need to enable this feature in the admin settings.  You can choose to select new author from a drop list.  If your site has many authors, you can select to search for the author so you aren’t waiting for the web server to return a list of 1000’s of authors. 

New ispos and pos tags

You can now display the position of an article [pos], and do conditions based on the position of the article in the list [ispos:3:5]  [/ispos:3:5] means if the article is in positions 3 through 5. Enjoy!

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